As a not-for-profit organisation we can periodically apply for grants to help support our children and families with their therapeutic journey. Do chat with us about this when you make contact. See our services brochure for more information. Please contact us regarding pricing.
Art Psychotherapy
Art therapy is an established form of psychotherapy. Giving people the opportunity to engage in creativity as a way of exploring and addressing feelings.
What Is Art Psychotherapy?

Art therapy is an established form of psychotherapy, delivered by trained art therapists (also known as art psychotherapists). Art therapy gives people the opportunity to engage in creativity as a way of exploring and addressing feelings.
How can Art Psychotherapy help me?
The sensory nature of art making can awaken memories and feelings that can be explored in a structured and safe way. Some things can be too hard or complicated to put into words and exploring them through art can be an alternative.
Your therapist will help you explore how your creative process is linked to your feelings and perceptions, giving you a greater understanding of yourself. They'll also support you in using this understanding to make positive changes in your life.
"It is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self. "
D. W. Winnicott
What happens in a session?

You may want to make some art either separately or with your Art Therapist. There is no pressure to create anything and you are welcomed to use the sessions however you want.
You are in control of how much you would like to share, our Art Therapists endeavour to provide a supportive and non-judgemental environment in which to do so.
You don't need to to be good at art in order to do Art Therapy. This is because the therapist will support you to use the art materials in your own way, and at your own pace. The artmaking experience is not an art lesson and you will not be judged on your artistic skill. All your artwork will be stored in a secure space and you will be able to take it home at the end of your sessions.

Where will my sessions be?
Your Art Therapy session's will take place in a safe and confidential room here at IntraQuest. We can choose this place together.
How many sessions will I have?
During your assessment we will discuss how many sessions you would like, we usually recommend a minimum of 12 sessions. We will review our work every 6 sessions to make sure we are happy with our development.
During this time we will formulate some goals which you may like to work on and we will send a report summarising our work together for your parents or caregivers. The report will be written together to ensure you are in control of what information you would like to share.
For More Information on Art Therapy Download our booklet here.

Laura Copeland
"This has been such a beautiful experience for my daughter. The team were so supportive every session. I have seen such a change in her since coming to these sessions. Thank you so much."

Joshua Laiten
"The team at IntraQuest are incredible. The space is so relaxing too, my child loved to come and work with Polly and the team as well as feed the animals."

Kelly Baker
"I felt so understood and supported throughout my time working with the art therapists at IntraQuest. What an amazing team!"

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